Battle of Clontarf 1014
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An interesting family line
Teigh Mor Ó Ceallaigh King of Ui Maine*. d. Battle of Clontarf, April 1014.
His sister ? Ni Ceallaigh was the third wife of Brian ‘Boru” High King of Ireland. Brian had many wives.
Donal Mor Ó Ceallaigh, King of Ui
Maine, 1172 - 1224 m. Princess
Duncola Ó Brien, dau. of Domnall Mor
Ó Brien last King of Munster.
Connor Mor Ó Ceallaigh, 1201 - 1268.
King of Ui Maine.
Donagh Ó Ceallaigh, 1297 - 1307, King
of Ui Maine.
William Bui Ó Ceallaigh, 1297 - 1381.
King of Ui Maine.
Malachy Ó Ceallaigh, 1326 - c1401.
King of Ui Maine. m. Princess Finola Ó
Connor dau. of Turlough Ó Connor,
King of Connaught.
Brian Ó Ceallaigh d. 1393. ‘Tanist of Ui Maine’.
Aedh Ó Ceallaigh. d. King of Ui Maine, d 1467.
William Ó Ceallaigh, 1439 - 1487. His brothers Malachy and
Edmond (37th Ó Ceallaigh followed)
Donagh Ó Ceallaigh the 38th Ó Ceallaigh.
Aedh Ó Ceallaigh the 39th Ceallaigh and the last King of Úi Maine. Late 1500.
Descendants of this Ó Kelly line surviving. April 2014.
Brian ‘Boru” High King of Ireland. D. Battle of Clontarf April 1014. (m. Ni Ceallaigh,
sister of Teigh Mor Ó Ceallaigh King of Ui Maine
|Teigh Mac Brian, co King of Munster
(with his bro.
Turlogh ua Brian, High King of Ireland, d. 1086
Dermot Ó Brien, King of Munster, d. 1118.
(his bro, Murtagh was also High
King of Ireland at one stage).
Turlogh Ó Brien, King of Munster, d. 1167. Lived in
Domnall Mor Ó Brien last King of Munster. His dau.
Duncola m. Donal Mor Ó Ceallaigh. Defeated Normans at Thurles 1192, d. 1194.
Donagh Ó Brien, King of Thomond, 1239 - 1242. Defeated at Limerick.
Conor Ó Brien. King of Thomond. KIA 1258.
Teige Ó Brien, d. 1259. (bro. Of Brian Ruadh, King of Thomond,
torn to pieces by horses 1277).
Turlough Ó Brien, King of Thomond, d. 1306.
Murtagh Ó Brien, King of Thomond 1311 - 43. Drove the English from Clare.
Mahon Ó Brien, King of Thomond 1364 - 9. (bro. of King Turlough the Bald)
Brian Ó Brien.’ of the Battle of Donagh’ King of Thomond 1369 - 99 Turlough Bog
‘the soft’ Ó Brien, King of Thomond 1446 - 62.
(deposed his bro. King Mahon the Blind).
Teige Ó Brien King of Thomond, fought the English. d. 1466 in his castle on lake Inchiquin.
19th August 1504 BATTLE OF KNOCKDOE
Turlough Don ‘the Brown’ Ó Brien, King of Thomond, ‘worthy heir of Brian Boru in war against the English’, d. 1528.
Murrough ‘the Tanist’ Ó Brien. Last King and 1st Earl of Thomond and Lord Inchiquin, 1551
Dermod Ó Brien, 2nd Baron of Inchiquin, d. 1552. M. Margaret, dau. of Donough Ó Brien, 2nd Earl of Thomond, murdered 1553 a son of King Conor Ó Brien, d. 1540.
Murrough Ó Brien, 3rd Baron of Inchiquin. 1550 - 1573. Aged 23.
Murrough Ó Brien, 4th Baron of Inchiquin, d. 1597.
Dermod Ó Brien, 5th Baron of Inchiquin. d. 1624.
Honble. Mary Ó Brien (sister of Murrough Ó Brien, 1st Earl of Inchiquin, French cavalry general and Viceroy of Catalonia). M. Michael Boyle, Archbishop of of
Armagh, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, d. 1702.
Eleanor Boyle (sister of Murrough, 1st Viscount Blesinton, of family who discovered
‘Boyles Law’ in physics). M. William Hill of Hillsborough. PC. MP. HM Lieut. Counties
of Down and Armagh. D. 1693.
Michael Hill of Hillsborough, PC. MP. HM Lieut. Of Co. Down, d. 1699 aged Arthur,
1st Viscount Dungannon, d. 1771 (m. Descendant of Ó Neill barons of Dungannon).
Honble. Anne Hill, Countess of Mornington, d. 1831; m. Garret, 1st Earl of
Mornington, d. 1781.
Richard, Marquess Wellesley, Gov - Gen. of India and Foreign Sec. d 1842. (bro. of
the Iron Duke).
Anne Wesley (natural dau.) d 1875; m. Lord William Cavendish Bentinck, d 1826,
son of William, 3rd Duke of Portland, KC. Prime Minister.
Rev. Charles W. F. Cavendish Bentinck (first wife was a gypsy) d. 1865.
Nina Cecilia Cavendish Bentinck, Countess of Strathmore, GCVO, d. 1938; m.
Claude Bowes Lyon, 14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne, KG> KT, d. 1944.
Queen Elisabeth, The Queen Mother, 4th August 1900 - 30th March 2002.
H.M. The Queen, b 1926
Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, b. 1948
Ó Kelly folklore has it that Teigh died " fighting like a wolf dog " and a green coloured creature came from the sea to protect his body from being mutilated as was the practice at the time. This composite animal had the head of a fox, the chest of an elephant, the mane of a horse, the forelegs of an eagle, the body and hind legs of a hound and the tail of a lion.
The Enfield has been incorporated in the Uimaine Ó Kelly family crests, as can be seen on Colla Ó Ceallaigh’s grave stone (below).
Cola Ó Kelly of Aughrane d. c. 1614. He commanded a Regt. of Foot
on the English side at the Battle of Kinsale 1601. His gravestone in
Kilconnell Abbey shows the Ó Kelly enfield. It is suggested he was on
‘good’ terms with the English monarchy.
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